
Imagine a world where a mellowed middle-aged North London anarchist is secretly guiding world events.This is the world Nick Revell creates in BrokenDreamCatcher, putting himself at the centre of a... more
After four long summers, Sheeps have rejoined the circuit, show-tuning their way into the Queen Dome at the Pleasance with an almost anti-comic, great homage to vintage musical comedy.Excellently... more
I always like it when comedy throws up a nice coincidence. Suzi Ruffell's latest show Nocturnal threw up two. By pure chance the day I saw it there was a row brewing over straight Jack Whitehall... more
Sometimes you just need a stupid, silly show. Something to get you through the soggy, grey dog days of the Edinburgh Fringe. In which case Olaf Falafel's There's No i In Idiot is just the thing... more
A schedule clash meant that I arrived at this final slightly late, just after first act Josh Baulf came on. I had to double check I was in the right venue though and I hadn't walked into a secret Rob... more
It's the sequel nobody asked for but they are getting it anyway. Three years ago Adam Riches delivered Coach Coach, the redemptive tale of Eric Coach, the gum-addicted US campus trainer of a... more
News: Klopp for Laura – Two Book Deal For Comedian After Viral Tweets
A reviewer once said of Laura Lexx that "one can only hope there's some life-altering catastrophe around the corner for Lexx". Even though it was presumably said with its tongue firmly in its cheek,... more
The Edinburgh Fringe can throw up some unexpected incidents. Particularly late night gigs when alcohol may have been consumed by the audience. Earlier this week I witnessed a very tense moment at... more
"The ones who’ve been around the block, who work for bigger publications, have a greater frame of reference and a better understanding but that’s not always helpful as the amount they’ve seen can... more
How much influence does a director have on a comedy performance? Ciaran Dowd's show Don Rodolfo is directed by Tom Parry of sketch group Pappy's and it boasts the same sweaty silliness that has... more
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