Call For Entries – BBC Audio Drama Awards

Call For Entries – BBC Audio Drama Awards

Entries are now open for two BBC Audio Drama Awards for scriptwriting, run annually and administered by the Society of Authors.

The Imison Award for the best original script by a writer new to audio drama is sponsored by the Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) and the Peggy Ramsay Foundation. The 2022 judges are committee members of the Society of Authors Scriptwriters Group: Barney Norris, Jamila Gavin, David Morley, Ian Billings, Sean Grundy, Rhiannon Tise and Ben Carpenter.

The Tinniswood Award for the best original script of the year is sponsored by ALCS. The 2022 judges are yet to be confirmed.

The winners will each receive £3,000.

The 2021 Imison Award winner was Fraser Ayres for his radio play Maynard (produced by Mel Harris – Sparklab Productions, BBC Radio 4), and the winner of the Tinniswood Award was Christopher Douglas for Tristram Shandy (Produced by Gary Brown – BBC Radio Drama North, BBC Radio 4), announced online in March 2021 at the BBC Audio Drama Awards.

Entry to both awards is free. Scripts must have been broadcast or made available online in the UK between 1 October 2020 and 31 October 2021.

The awards close for entries on 3 October 2021 and will be awarded alongside all the BBC Audio Drama Awards in 2022.

Enter at Deadline 3 October 2021.


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