Janey Godley Issues Statement Following Storm Over Tweets

Janey Godley Issues Statement Following Storm Over Past Tweets

Update 10/9: Janey Godley withdraws from pantomime 'by mutal agreement'. More here.

Update 9/9: Janey Godley has been dropped from Government Covid adverts. More here.

Comedian Janey Godley has apologised following the controversy over old tweets that were recently unearthed.

The outspoken stand-up came under fire after it was announced that she was due to appear in panto in Aberdeen this December. Douglas Lumsden, MSP for the North East region wrote to Aberdeen Performing Arts questioning the comedian’s suitability to appear in the upcoming production of Beauty and the Beast due to her past tweets.

Godley wrote on Twitter: "There are tweets from my past social media that are horridly offensive, I believe in progress not perfection and I am far from perfect. People have every right to go through my social media and see what values I hold and to find hurtful phrases and statements is shocking, I am deeply sorry to everyone I offended.

“Comedy is no excuse to use disgusting and hurtful words that affect people and I know many of you expected better of me. I apologise for every single word that upset people, I should have blocked and reported the accounts that threatened me and not replied with abhorrent heckles."

“There are fake tweets created to damage my reputation but the ones I wrote I take responsibility for. During this pandemic, I tried to keep everyone's spirits up and I will continue to do my best to keep that going.”

She later added on Facebook: "I absolutely deserve every bit of criticism for the language used in past tweets, there is no shying away from that. I am writing this as I haven’t slept well, it’s my own fault, people have the right to go through past TL and scrutinise each tweet, I deserve this- I’m not being a victim I am saying if you put yourself up there and say horrific offensive stuff that hurts people, you deserve to be brick batted down - that’s life I accept that, people have the right to punish me, I can’t argue with that is what I am saying.

I am not asking people who like me to defend the offensive things I said, I appreciate many people who enjoy my work are horrified and upset at my tweets, that’s how it should be, I am not the victim here, the people I hurt and offended are and I take that responsibility"


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