Inside No 9 Christmas Special Interviews With Reece Shearsmith, Steve Pemberton Simon Callow and Shobna Gulati : Page 2 of 2

Inside No 9 Christmas Special

An interview with Simon Callow who plays Dick


What appealed to you about being a part of Inside No. 9?

It’s a very sparky, original series. Mention of it always provokes gargles of admiration. I thought ‘I’d like to be part of that.’

What drew you to this particular role?

He was very quirky, quite complex. Also, a very good story-teller, which I always love.


How would you describe your character?

Eccentric, playful, with a streak of malice

What was is like working with Reece and Steve?

An absolute nightmare. No but seriously, the story depicts a nightmare. Reece and Steve never behaved like the writers of the piece, just actors also trying to do it as well as possible. Both quite brilliant and very collaborative.  

Do you have a favourite moment from filming? Or a favourite scene?

There’s a big story in the middle of it. I took great pleasure in telling it. 

How would you sum up your time filming Inside No. 9?


Do you have any Christmas traditions yourself?

Getting away from it, I used to say. But now I’m reconciled to it and spend absurd amounts of time and money turning the house into a winter wonderland


An interview with Shobna Gulati who plays Posy


What appealed to you about being a part of Inside No. 9?

It has its own unique genre of TV, something you can’t put in a box. Often a perfect blend of drama, comedy and horror. To be a part of this is very special to me. It has cult status for a reason it’s brilliant, well written and superbly performed by Steve and Reece who bring their amazing creativity to the table 

What drew you to this particular role?

I loved the way she was written and who wouldn’t want to be called posy and be married to a Pierce. 

How would you describe your character?

She carries a deep sadness, she hides it well. She loves getting involved with things and wants to be a part though often finds herself on the edge. Though she’s been married a while she’s still very much attached to her husband who she finds funny and exasperating in equal measure.  

What was is like working with Reece and Steve?

Just absolutely brilliant, what a gift.

Do you have a favourite moment from filming? Or a favourite scene?

Couldn’t stop laughing - I’m a terrible corpse. Also, sitting listening and watching Simon Callow at work, witnessing that! Wow. 

How would you sum up your time filming Inside No. 9?

Great fun with wonderful cast and crew in such an atmospheric environment. 

Do you have any Christmas traditions yourself?

I love a Christmas jumper and a bobble hat in the winter and listening to stories with family and friends.


Interview/picture supplied by BBC


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