It's that time again when the challenge is to write about an episode of Inside No 9 without giving away any spoilers. The Bones of St Nicholas is a Christmas one-off, although a recent interview with co-creators and co-stars Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton suggests that it is part of the forthcoming eighth series, which has been filmed, but no transmission date has been announced.
The Bones of St Nicholas stars Pemberton as Dr Jasper Parkway, who has been booked into an overnight stay in a reputedly haunted church on Christmas Eve – 'champing' - camping in churches to raise money for the crumbly buildings. The warden Dick is played by the great Simon Callow, who is famous for doing shows as Charles Dickens, the author of A Christmas Carol, so there is a nice seasonal touch there – Dick/Dickens anyone?
In fact there are all sorts of seeds planted early on in this episode. Why is Dr Parkway so keen to be left on his own? Are his motives entirely about tucking himself up under a duvet in the pews? There are all sorts of possible red herrings. A ghost? A lost daughter? A warning? A Peter Kay gag? The colour palette of the episode is distinctive too, suggesting a filmic nod. Or it did to me anyway. A nod to a director also called Nicholas, or Nick. If you prefer not to know more please look away and don't read on.
We are not giving away too much though to say that Shearsmith and Shobna Gulati pitch up as Pierce and Posy, a couple of tinker's rucksack-style happy campers who seem sweetness and light on the surface but maybe also have something darker going on under the bobble hats. Shearsmith has made a bit of a name for himself in past instalments as irritating twerps and you can add Pierce to the list now.
But this is Pemberton's episode really, playing a pompous, intolerant man who thinks he is better than everyone, which may just be his downfall. Pemberton has terrific range as an actor and brings something new to each part he plays.
It's a shame that this chilling episode is scheduled for 9pm. It would be perfect as a midnight chiller to send you off to bed. I'd suggest skipping the broadcast and watching it later on iPlayer to get the full spooky effect but if you hang around too long waiting to watch it you might spot some spoilers on social media.
Inside No 9, The Bones of St. Nicholas, Thursday, December 22 at 9pm, BBC Two, then on iPlayer.
Picture: BBC