What happens when you moonlight as a comedian but your day job is sex work? Join Lane Kwederis and find out when she makes her debuts at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe with her show ‘Sex Job’.
This show gives you an inside look at the life of a financial dominatrix. How does it work? What even is financial domination!? Learn the ins and outs of what it’s like to be a sex worker: the good, the bad and the shockingly hilarious! ‘Sex Job’ has heart and fun – Lane hopes to help remove the stigma and shame around sex work through laughter.
The US comedian takes you on her 15-year journey from improv comedy to financial domination: Including foot fetish parties, dungeons, OnlyFans and her rise and fall of Twitter celebrity... All while discovering her own inner power through sex work. You will walk out of this show feeling uplifted, empowered, and like an expert on kinks you didn’t even know existed!**
Lane Kwederis is a comedian, writer, performer, and creator of the show Sex Job. Her TV credits include The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Broad City, Master of None, The Rundown with Robin Thede, and Netflix: The Characters. She has performed in Las Culturistas: I Don't Think so Honey LIVE with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang, Dirty Dancing (1st national tour and original Toronto company) and has written and performed for house teams at the Upright Citizens Brigade, The People's Improv Theatre, and The Magnet Theatre.
**Flash photography and judging of a sex worker is strictly prohibited.
Lane Kwederis' show ‘Sex Job’ is at the Underbelly @ Bristo Square – Clover Room at 2.25pm from 2nd – 28th August. For tickets go to www.edfringe.com
What is the last thing you do before you go onstage (apart from check your flies and/or check your knickers aren't sticking out of your skirt and check for spinach between your teeth)
To warm up for anything I actually lie down! I am a certified Alexander Technique teacher and one of the biggest things we do in the technique is something called a lie down. You lay on your back with your knees bent and your head resting on a book. It helps me connect to myself and the environment so I’m ready to be present with the audience. Also, I look in the mirror and say “Girl, you got this!”
What irritates you?
How often we fling the word “whore” around as as an insult when it’s literally just a description of a job. It’s called the oldest profession for a reason. Sex work is simply work.
What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
One time I jumped from one building rooftop to another building rooftop at a party. I thought I was being real cool but looking back I think to myself “Lane, you could have DIED!”
What is the most stupid thing you have ever done?
In addition to the rooftop jump: I tried to rent a Vespa without ever taking a lesson and thinking I could just “wing it”. The second I switched on the motor I fell, sprained my neck, and got 5 stitches on my chin. Lane, you could have DIED!!
What has surprised you the most during your career in comedy?
I’m still shocked that I not only came out as a financial dominatrix/sex worker in the comedy community (I kept it hidden for over a decade) but that I wrote a whole show about it! The most surprising part has been how excited and welcoming people have been about it all. My fear was that I would just be seen as a dumb sex work bimbo. What I want to be seen as is a dumb sex work bimbo who’s VERY funny!
Interview continues here