The Cosmic Shambles Network are delighted to present a brand new series of fascinating and entertaining panel discussions hosted by Dr Helen Czerski and Robin Ince.For each show Helen and Robin will be inviting two guests, and each guest will be nominating two people to add to our pin up board of inspiring figures. Their invitees will be the people who formed the ideas that have shaped their work, inspiration, creativity and life. Some may be heroes and, some may be villains, a few may be in-between. They may be alive. They may be dead. They be famous. Or not. They might even be fictional characters.
Covering a wide range of topics and perspectives from science and culture, They’ve Made Us promises to be an insightful and entertaining exploration of some of our most exciting and influential people. And also a few animals. And at least one cartoon character…
A celebration of ideas and passionate people. This new panel show was filmed and recorded in front of a live audience at The Royal Institution in London earlier this year thanks to funding from The Cosmic Shambles Network’s Patreon supporters.
Some of the panellists joining Helen and Robin include Steve Backshall, Natalie Haynes, Prof Sue Black, Helen Glover, Prof Chris Jackson, Dr Roma Agrawal, J Wilgoose Esq. and Prof Kevin Fong.
“While writing Bibliomaniac, I started to think about all the minds that have changed me and changed my reality, not just scientists like Carl Sagan and Janna Levin, but poets, authors, classicists and even mystics. We should be living in a world where our perceptions are changing on a weekly basis, where the stars become more vivid and full of stories and the feel of the soil beneath our feet seems both familiar and more strange. I wanted to find out who has changed the minds of some of my favourite artists, thinkers and scientists, so what better way than to go to the Royal Institution, a venue that changed my view of the universe every Christmas from the age of ten, and where I happily allowed someone to toy with the motor region of my brain with a magnet one Christmas, and along with Helen, talk to people I admire about who has made their Universe an ever more exciting place to explore.” Robin Ince
The series will be released free as a video series on YouTube (youtube.com/@cosmicshambles) and an audio podcast on all usual podcast platforms -
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/theyve-made-us/id1703238640
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0ykH4kFqSC7cfmBFF5u5av