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Robin Ince

New Podcast From Dr Helen Czerski and Robin Ince Exploring The People Who Made Us

The Cosmic Shambles Network are delighted to present a brand new series of fascinating and entertaining panel discussions hosted by Dr Helen Czerski and Robin Ince.For each show Helen and Robin will be inviting two guests, and each guest will be nominating two people to add to our pin up board of inspiring figures. Their invitees will be the people who formed the ideas that have shaped their work, inspiration, creativity and life. Some may be heroes and, some may be villains, a few may be in-between. They may be alive.


Edinburgh Fringe Review – Robin Ince, Weapons of Empathy, Gilded Balloon

Robin Ince is well known among his fans for going over his allotted time, but for this show he went in the other direction. He started before his allotted time. I walked in bang on 1pm as is my wont and Ince was already in full flow. Corduroy jacket on. Book in hand. A few piles of books by his side. I'd not only missed some pre-gig preamble but he'd already handed out cards asking his audience to list books that had helped them to be more empathetic.


New Book About Bookshops From Robin Ince

Why play to 12,000 people when you can play to twelve? In Autumn 2021, Robin Ince's stadium tour with Professor Brian Cox was postponed due to the pandemic. Rather than do nothing, he decided he would instead go on a tour of over a hundred bookshops, from Wigtown to Penzance; from Swansea to Margate.


New Podcasts From Robin Ince And Cosmic Shambles

Robin Ince and the Cosmic Shambles organisation have lots of podcasts to stick between your ears, as follows:




New Dates For Postponed Nine Lessons Shows

The Cosmic Shambles Network are delighted to announce that the two Nine Lessons shows that were postponed at the end of December 2021 have been rescheduled to this April. 


Rarely Asked Questions: Robin Ince

Is Robin Ince the hardest working polymath in showbiz? It certainly seems like it if you follow him on social media where he keeps everyone bang up to date with his various projects. Ince has recently been travelling to pretty much every indie bookshop in the land promoting his latest publication, The Importance of Being Interested.


New Book From Robin Ince

Comedian Robin Ince quickly abandoned science at school, bored by a fog of dull lessons and intimidated by the barrage of equations. But, twenty years later, he fell back in love with science and now presents one of the world’s most popular science radio shows and podcasts.


News: Three New Series From Robin Ince

Robin Ince and The Cosmic Shambles Network are presenting three new online series this month with Robin at the helm. Each series is, in its own unique way, a wonderful, thought-provoking reaction to the times we are living in and the effect they are having on us all. Each is the perfect way to spend an entertaining hour. And potentially learn something too.

Details below


News: Robin Ince Returns For Free Christmas Day Show With Special Guests

Robin Ince and his Cosmic Shambles friends will be back for a live show on Christmas Day. 

Seeing the way that the audience connected online during these shows, they felt that a live show on Christmas morning might be nice way of connecting with people who may be alone or looking after loved ones. 


News: Robin Ince's 24 Hour Show Goes Into Extra Time

Robin Ince’s shows have never been known to underrun…Ever.

This past weekend’s hugely successful ground-breaking show (which ran from midday, 12th December to 12.30pm 13th December) was no exception.

The Cosmic Shambles Network team still ended up with an excess of guests that they were unable to squeeze into the allotted time. That means this Saturday Robin is back with an extra chunk of time to make sure that no one is left out.



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