Tributes Paid To Comedian Darren Maskell Who Has Died

Tributes have been paid to comedian Darren Maskell whose death has been reported son social media.

Maskell was becoming established on the circuit for his off-the-wall humour, but had been seriously ill before the pandemic. He was winner of the Comedy Cafe New Act Competition in 2008 and North Essex New act of the year 2009

Ed Gamble wrote: "Gutted to hear about Darren Maskell. A supremely lovely man who was always a joyfully unique and funny presence on the circuit. He’ll be very missed."

Joz Norris wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter: "RIP Darren Maskell. He was so funny and generous and kind. When I was starting out in comedy he was one of the people who showed me how silly and imaginative and funny it was possible to be. Feel very sad to think I won't see him being funny again."

Zoe Waterman replied: "Such a loss, he was always so funny"

Mark Dean Quinn wrote: "Darren Maskell was the best comedian with a bucket on their head. Enjoy your Papa Johns in the afterlife"

@tomwritesfunny posted: "RIP Darren Maskell. Aside from being a very funny, authentic and original comedian, I always found him to be a very kind man. Why do crap things happen to nice people?"

Max Dickins wrote: "The world is a lot less funny and kind for not having @DarrenMaskell  in it. This brief obituary contains a detail which sums him up: 'At one point he put himself forward to be immortalised as a statue in Croydon – and came fourth in a public poll.' "

Marc Burrows wrote: "Rest in peace the incomparable comedian @DarrenMaskell, an utter joy who I've known on and off for years. His crowning achievement was placing fourth in a competition to get a statue of a local hero put up in Croydon. A joy. A legend. I'll miss him."



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