Comedian Joe Wilkinson loves a bargain and is dedicated to making as many savings as possible on holiday. Joe’s friend and fellow comedian Katherine Ryan loves to lap it up in luxury, but if she can live the champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget, then she’s all ears. Now, in this six-part series, the pair are joining forces to show the Great British public how to have a fantastic holiday for a next to nothing price.
In Joe and Katherine’s Bargain Holidays, the duo embark on a relentless pursuit of bargainous getaways, both in the UK and further afield, showcasing a different type of holiday in each episode. Whether it’s the ultimate couple’s break on a shoestring budget, a wellness retreat that won’t break the bank, or a family seaside stay that won’t drain your pockets, Joe and Katherine have tons of ideas for cut-price holiday.
Together, they’ll visit the best undiscovered resorts, road-testing and reviewing the most value-for-money restaurants and activities in each destination, finding the best tips, tricks and hacks as they compile the ultimate bargain-packed itinerary.
Joe & Katherine’s Bargain Holidays, stream or watch live from Thursday 25th April on Channel 4
Tell us about the series and what we can expect from it.
It’s an ambitious move by my good friend and bargain seeker, Joe Wilkinson, to show me how to travel on a shoestring budget... But he takes the piss.
Why did you agree to go on bargain holidays when you prefer a bit of luxury?
I agreed to become Joe’s travel buddy and bargain student because I’m ashamed of my luxury taste and I need to learn how to budget if I’m going to holiday with all my kids.
How long have you been friends with Joe?
Joe Wilkinson was one of the first people I met and instantly loved when I came to the British comedy scene about fifteen years ago. Once, on a Taskmaster challenge, we needed to communicate from across a field and I asked Joe to shout me his phone number. He immediately texted it to me instead. I agreed to do a charity comedy gig with Joe and forgot, so assumed it was fraud when it was later advertised. Joe and I are friends without remembering we are friends.
Did you trust Joe in leading you on these trips?
What were the most memorable moments for you, good or bad?
I hate being hot and I hate travel delays. I was livid when Joe made us fly on a budget airline which was 12 hours late on the sweltering tarmac. A passenger soiled himself and everyone else rushed to the front of the plane to get away from the smell. When it was all over, I was in Bulgaria which made me furious. I almost cried because we had to go to the beach.
Did you or Joe buy any gifts for one another in each location as a keepsake?
We bought gifts for each other along the way, but I struggled to follow the budget.
Tell us about your time at the airport in Northern Ireland? Didn’t you have time for some shopping?
I bought a bunch of copies of my own book, The Audacity, and set up a book signing station in the airport. I’m never off the clock. I’m always working so that I don’t have to penny pinch like Joe...and it shows. Sometimes, Joe’s idea of saving money would take hours. That’s time that he could have been earning money working. I don’t even want to think about how much income I lost seeking out bargains with Joe.
There are moments in the series where we see you enjoying you inflicting a bit of terror on Joe – such as the water sports in Bulgaria and the bobsleigh in Latvia. How much fun was that?
Joe pushed me out of my comfort zone and I was only too pleased to return the favour.
We’re living through tricky times with rising costs, were you surprised to learn there are ways to have fun days out and trips away at a low cost?
Extreme bargains aside, Joe was able to show me some incredible practical bargains that I’d love to indulge in. Why throw money away?
Would you recreate any of these trips or holidays with your own family or friends?
Latvia was the hidden gem for me. I really enjoyed the UK holidays because there’s so much to see and do right here at home, it’s great to explore on a bargain and without flying! But Latvia was hands down my favourite and the airport experience was smooth and second to none. I loved the weather, the people, the food, the spas, the shopping and the bargains. I can’t wait to be back!
Did you previously know Joe is such a big fan of owls?
As an owl connoisseur myself having worked at Hooters, it came as no surprise that Joe is an owl lover. What I didn’t expect was just how much he loved them. I hated standing in the heat waiting for Joe to take photos with each and every owl in the sanctuary we visited, but I have to hand it to him - it was a real bargain. The joy on his little face was worth the sunburn.
Would you accept another invitation to go on more bargain holidays with Joe in the future?
Finally, is ‘the mousie’* about to take the nation by storm?
The mousie has been Joe’s little secret for way too long. It’s the perfect trend, just waiting to explode all over social media.
*find out more about the mousie here.
Interview/pictures supplied by publicists