Edinburgh Fringe 2024: Rarely Asked Questions – Stephen Mullan

Edinburgh Fringe 2024: Rarely Asked Questions – Stephen Mullan

Irish Argentinian comedian, award-winning actor and popular Love Island Australia narrator Stephen Mullan returns to the Edinburgh Fringe this year with his fourth solo show, ‘Rascal‘, about learning from the failures of looking for love…

In a world when all Stephen quips about is love he himself might not be as equipped to deal with it! He’s not sure what love is. It’s not the world he grew up in, the world of macho culture, building sites and football dressing rooms, all boys schools and an Irish father. Processing feelings was not in his blood, but he has to find a way now as he has a daughter about to turn two. He knows that as a single Dad he had better figure it out quickly before she does!

Stephen has tried therapy, but can’t afford a really good one, budget therapy can be more painful than helpful. So far, his therapists turn up late and show more interest in his career than the fact that his love life is a never-ending car crash of loneliness.

He only finds love by performing on stage and getting attention from strangers - the only thing he has ever been good at.  It’s also in his soul to be a rascal but maybe it’s finally time to leave the rascal at the door and figure out this love thing. Through the exploration of the first time his heart was broken, Stephen finds answers in the story about his first love, his junior Infants teacher Miss Wolf, and how his heart was broken when his father embarrasses him in front of her.

Sadly, he is used to his parents embarrassing him, his born-again Christian parents are obsessed with him loving Jesus, yet he never knew they loved him. Of course, they loved each other and maybe the sounds of their love making at a young age is another reason he has been scarred for life on the love front! 

He laments all the macho culture in him recounting all of the horrific aspects of homophobia in schools, whilst also calling out most of the banter being extremely homoerotic! Yes, there is toxic male culture but he’s also sick of all men getting blamed for everything - men need to be better but did some of us ever have a chance? 

A regular headliner across Ireland and the UK, Stephen has also opened shows for Ireland’s top comedians including Des Bishop, Jason Byrne and Joanne McNally. Known for his energetic, character-filled performances, Stephen’s work also spans across TV and film with credits that include ‘Rebellion’, ‘Love Rosie’ (with Lily Collins) and the award-winning film ‘Back in Five’.

Stephen Mullan’s ‘Rascal’ is at the Assembly George Square – The Box @ 7.45pm for tickets go to www.edfringe.com 


What is the last thing you do before you go onstage (apart from check your flies and/or check your knickers aren't sticking out of your skirt and check for spinach between your teeth)

The last thing I do before going on stage is I draw a personal message to my daughter on my hand, take a picture and send it to her Mum. I’ll finish the 5 songs that are blaring in my ears while stretching. Backstage I have a number of fidgeting routines, from juggling balls to fidget spinners to water bottles that I fling over my head from behind, catching them from the front in a circular rhythm over and over until some body says it’s time. Then I’ll close my eyes and tell myself that I have died on my arse plenty of times before, so anything better than that is a bonus. 


What irritates you? 

The hand dryers that couldn’t dry a damp cloth in the Sahara. The Dyson air blades have been out for years as have the hand dryers that are so powerful they move the skin on your hands. So any establishment that has not upgraded and still uses the pathetic excuse for a hand dryer, they were never good, I’ll have missed last orders by the time this thing has dried my hands, if you have them just close your establishment now please.


What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done? 

Had unprotected sex in 2016. My daughter is nearly 7 now. Dangerous, but the best fun I’ve ever had in my life.


What is the most stupid thing you have ever done? 

I shall refer you to my previous answer and hope my daughter never reads this.


What has surprised you the most during your career in comedy? 

How miserable comedians are. I mean I am talking about myself here as well. Comedians cease to be any craic once comedy is their career. Green rooms are the most boring places in the world. We’re so obsessed with making the show funny on the stage, we’ve used it all up and have none left for the real world. I was much funnier on building sites and in kitchens or class rooms. There are very few comedians that are actually funny in real life and I have a child who proves that to me every day. I do miss the days when funny wasn’t s job. Having said all that, if you find your tribe in comedy it is the best thing ever. You can have brothers and sisters in comedy who get it all on a level that no one else possibly could and that honestly is priceless. The closest people in my life right no are comedians, but their are only one or two.


Interview continues here


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