Edinburgh Fringe 2024: Rarely Asked Questions – Stephen Mullan: Page 2 of 2

Edinburgh Fringe 2024: Rarely Asked Questions – Stephen Mullan

What do your parents/children (delete as applicable) think of your job? 

My parents, family and daughter have absolutely no interest in my job. My daughter likes that she has a Dad who has no respect for rules, but my siblings, parents, honestly I don’t think they even know what I do. They went to a show at the start of my career and I think that was enough for them. My Mam would prefer me to have a ‘nice’ job I think, but they are generally just accepting of the fact that they don’t get me and, all the best with Stevo. I have cousins and a couple of Aunts and Uncles who love to know about what I am up to or any ‘famous people’ I might have worked with. I think maybe people don’t ask cause they think they know what’s going on by following my social media. They’ll just quickly check my instagram stories so they don’t have to ask me how I am doing!


What’s the worst thing about being a comedian? 

I am a loner and need my space and my own time, but damn it, even with that said, it’s a lonely job. Not many people get what it is like the ups and downs. Honestly the performing and the writing the shows is the easy part. But the travel, the anti social hours and living in your own time zone is shit. The romance of the road has worn off for me. If lunchtime gigs were more popular and I could be home on time for the champions league every night that would be great, if someone could organise that please and thank you.


I think you are very good at what you do (that’s why I’m asking these questions). What do you think of you? 

I would agree with you. I think I am very good at what I do too. Thankfully I have learnt not to define myself by it, not to look for meaning or life happiness through my work. I am always trying to keep the perspective that I make shows for other people, not me, to be given away to entertain them. I’ve done a lot of jobs and I know that I can end up back in one of them one day who knows. My gifts allow me to move in many different fields and I know my head needs that. I have had great fun acting this year in films and big TV productions and it’s great I can do that. I think I am still on the journey of just trying to be an artist and not being embarrassed to say that.


How much do you earn and how much would you like to earn? 

I earn enough and I wanna earn enough for two houses one in Dublin, one in West Cork. To have plenty of holidays and to be able to write my book from a hot climate. I am not really interested much in material things to be honest. I worked in Dubai recently where they have the best of everything, I couldn’t stand the place. Completely devoid of soul. So I am actually happy with few specific things. I don’t like to think to much about what I wear so I spend a little more on things I like so I don’t have to think about my wardrobe for years. I’m more someone who would prefer to spend money in a fantastic restaurant, than have a swanky car, I just don’t care about that stuff. Having said all that, homes to call my own, in specific places are something that I would like to be able to have in the near future.


How important is luck in terms of career success – have you had lucky breaks? 

It definitely plays a part. I narrated Love Island Australia for a couple of seasons. It doesn’t do anything for my career here but it was a great experience and opportunity to work on such a huge production. It came out of no where and probably would have done a lot more for me if I was willing to move to Australia. But that was a good bit of luck. 

I’ve had lucky breaks in acting, from building sites to 18 months later acting opposite Julliette Binoche. In comedy I wasn’t at it long before I was opening shows around Ireland for some of Ireland’s big acts. I think the lucky breaks in the business are still important but now a days in comedy in particular, people are making their own breaks by going huge on social media. The results are there for all to see.


Alan Davies has said that comedians fall into two categories - golfers and self-harmers. The former just get on with life, the latter are tortured artists. Which are you – or do you think you fit into third category? 

I think I am a bit of both. I definitely worry way too much and I can actually hate myself for being such a tortured artist some days, but then I can look back at a period of time and see that I just got on with things. I thing I get on with it, with a good few tears thrown in for good measure. I don’t thing I am the same as other people who can churn out content or material with out caring too much about it, in a great way. They are not over thinking the work too much and they are putting the stuff out there. I have to be interested in what I am doing otherwise my brain switches off. These leads to inconsistency in output, sometimes nothing is going on, sometimes I will be going through the most intense period of output. There is nothing I can do about that, it is just the way I am. I have found if I switch mediums my brain stays more engaged. If I’m bored of writing stand up I can end up writing a play or obsess or making the perfect Japanese milk bread buns. That or football and scoring a certain type of goal. This question is really pointing out to me my immaturity but that’s how it it in my world!


Who is your favourite person ever and why – not including family or friends or other comedians? 

Diego Maradona. As an Argentinan, he is a hero to me and the country. Where he came from and the time he grew up in Argentina, under the oppression of great poverty and a military dictatorship, he managed to become the greatest in the world. He showed Argentinians that hers can come from any where. His life continued in extremes after he retired from playing. The highs and lows mirrored the extremes of his life in Argentina, from slum boy to national hero. 


Do you keep your drawers tidy and if not why not? (please think long and hard about this question, it's to settle an argument with my girlfriend. The future of our relationship could depend on your response). 

Yes I do. I don’t the the bi monthly clear out but I don’t keep any junk in them. My drawers are assigned a job and that essentially never changes. There is never extra clutter in there and the socks and undies drawers are fill up, they are re organised. My drawers are tidy and the rest of my house is an absolute mess. 


Stephen Mullan’s show ‘Rascal’ is at the Assembly George Square – The Box @ 7.45pm for tickets go to www.edfringe.com 





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