And so the second series of Am I Being Unreasonable? comes to an end. In all my many years of TV reviewing I'm not sure if something so eagerly anticipated has ever turned out to be so disappointing. After the sheer brilliance of the first series which had me on the edge of my seat alternately laughing and watching through my fingers, this second series has simply confused me.
At first I thought maybe I was getting old and confused. Or maybe the plotting was going for something arty and ambitious. i once reviewed a preview tape of an episode of a murder mystery that was all odd angles and shakey camerawork, only to discover that I'd been sent an unedited rough cut. i wondered if something like that had happened with Am I Being Unreasinable? and they'd accidentally broadcast a first draft.
But I wasn't alone in my confusion and Daisy May Cooper has even spoken about the difficulties filming in interviews. She gave birth seven weeks early which meant the schedule had to be changed and some actors weren't available. Plus she had lost weight and had some "tweakments" which meant there was a continuity issue after the first series.
Anyway, heck, these things happen and there are worst things going on in the world at the moment than a sitcom with more holes in it than a kilo of Emmental. So sod the plot, there are two reasons to watch the final episode of Am I Being Unreasonable? Firstly Daisy May Cooper and Charlie Cooper have fleeting cameos playing Kerry and Kurtan Mucklowe from This Country, which we discover is set in a nearby village. We barely see their faces as they walk into a shop and Kurtan shoplifts a box of Kleenex "wank tissues", but it is a lovely bit of This Country metaverse telly.
And the second reason, which really is the only reason, is to watch Lenny Rush as Ollie. Lenny is such a brilliant actor. He doesn't need to speak, his mobile, expressive face does all the talking for him. If he isn't doing Shakespeare in a few years i'll have to put on a play by the bard and cast him in the title role myself.
Wednesdays, 9.30pm, BBC One and all episodes are on iPlayer now.
Picture Credits: BBC/Boffola Pictures/Lara Cornell