Aisling Bea won the So You Think You're Funny? competition at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2012 and has quickly risen through the comedy ranks thanks to a mix of energy, charm, intelligence and quickfire quips. She trained as an actor, but has a natural wit and sharp tongue which has stood her in good stead in the stand-up circuit's toughest bearpits. Read her lovely answers to our questions here and catch her live at every opportunity or on TV where she is currently one of the team captains on 8 Out Of 10 Cats and crops up on lots of other quality programmes too.
1. What is the last thing you do before you go onstage (apart from check your flies, check for spinach between teeth and check your knickers aren't sticking out of your skirt)?
I very much pull my knickers out of my arse. I involuntarily clench before every single gig I do and there’s always some poor embarrassed tech that has to witness the fishing expedition.
2. What irritates you?
I find myself a constant irritant I will never be rid of. It’s like being allergic to air.
3. What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
I once let an old man sleep on my couch because he couldn’t find a taxi and was from Northern Ireland, so I was like “ah we’re all family”. It worked out fine, he ended up being a London Irish football coach, but it was a pretty stupid move by me.
4. What is the most stupid thing you have ever done?
See above. But I also risk the “fork in toaster” number more than I care to admit. HELL, I’M A BAD ASS.
5. What has surprised you the most during your career in comedy?
The way the stand-up side of things has taken off. I’ve had a bit of a reverse of fortunes from the norm perhaps. I’ve had a long career as an actor that has gone very slowly but surely. Then all of a sudden, I was on TV as a stand-up before I totally felt like I’d found my feet the “normal” way on the live circuit, which is still a big work in progress for me, I’m working hard at getting better at it.
Interview continues here.