Ofcom has confirmed that it will not be investigating complaints from viewers about this year's Comic Relief.
The regulator received 338 complaints about this year's show. 117 were for "sexual material" in the sketch in which Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer in the guise of The Stotts interviewed This Morning presenter Susanna Reid. It briefly looked as if Reeves, who was wearing a kilt, had shown his penis to Reid live on television. Reeves later said that the pink thing hanging between his legs was actually the limb of a toy doll.
There were also complaints about Mrs Brown. Ofcom said the sketches "were inexplicit and consistent with the live, unpredictable format of this established charity programme".
The regulator told the BBC it had "carefully considered" the complaints, adding: "We recognise that some of the comedy sketches were not to everyone's taste."
Read more about this story here.