Update: DK decided to make this available to rent, not buy. Here's his reasoning via his newsletter: "I have decided to put the film of It's Always Right Now Until It's Later on my website. It's available to rent for 72 hours for 3 quid. I initially set the page up as a pre order without (or so i thought) any working link to it on my website and hidden from searches. The idea being that i spend some time considering whether i wanted to release it.
But somebody found it (i imagine i made something live, that i didn't intend to because i am a webmaster) they tweeted about it and suddenly there was a HUGE* number of pre-orders which slightly forced me into considering things.
I've decided to rent it out rather than sell it, not least because i've always loved renting films. Be it a VHS or a DVD or more recently a digital thing. I feel like there is more consideration in a rental. Like you'll only rent it if you intend to actually watch it and you're more likely to watch it in one go. I think."
Daniel Kitson is releasing one of his full-length theatrically-inclined shows for fans to stream online. It will be available on February 28 but can be pre-ordered now.
It's Always Right Now, Until It's Later was first performed during August of 2010 at the Traverse Theatre, in Edinburgh. It then went to London and New York before finally, the Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester, where it was filmed in 2012.
It's is classified on Vimeo as "mature". Kitson has opted for this category "because there is swearing in it and it would probably be quite boring for children, having said that, there is a child in the audience of this recording. So, there you go."
Buy It's Always Right Now, Until It's Later here for £5.
(Picture is of Kitson preparing to perform Polyphony - also marooned in the middle of a circle of microphones, speakers, lights and people – in Edinburgh 2015, by Bruce Dessau).