To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 1969 moon landing and to promote the launch of his new book It’s One Giant Leek For Mankind, stand up comedian, author and illustrator Olaf Falafel is embarking on a dangerous mission of his own – staging workshops at 50 schools in the UK over 50 days!
It’s One Giant Leek For Mankind starts off faithfully documenting the historic events of 1969 but a few of Falafel’s trademark tangents; including giant vegetables, moon baboons and lots of farting, quickly turn this lunar adventure into a book that children aged 4 to 10 are sure to adore.
British astronaut Tim Peake is already a big fan. "I'm pretty sure this isn't what happened but it's brilliantly funny!", said the real life spaceman.
Olaf’s journey begins in Cardiff on March 1st and over the next 50 days sees him performing 50 reading and illustration workshops around the UK including schools in Sheffield, London, Cambridge, Leicester, Milton Keynes, Bristol and Falafel’s home town of Luton.
Regarded in comedy circles as a bit of an idiot, Olaf Falafel got a chance to sprinkle some of his stupidity on the picture book scene two years ago after his hilarious debut, Old Macdonald Heard a Parp was snapped up by Harper Collins following a call-out to publishers on Twitter.
The popular Heard A Parp trilogy has helped broaden Falafel’s appeal beyond his stand up comedy fan base to a younger audience that previously only included his two daughters. When asked for a quote one of them said, “He’s alright I suppose” and the other grunted something about the WiFi password not working.
A stalwart of the Edinburgh Comedy Festival, his gags can regularly be found in the ‘Top Jokes of the Fringe’ lists and this year sees the launch of his latest comedy show ‘Knitting With Maracas’.
It’s One Giant Leek For Mankind is published on March 4th 2019 by Unexporcupine. Pre-order here.