News: Inside No. 9 Episodes Ranked

News: Inside No. 9 Episodes Ranked

The recent fifth series of Inside No. 9 might have been the most talked about series yet, but it's hard to say. There have been episodes ever since the series started on February 5, 2014, that have prompted heated debates. Some viewers have been looking for missing clues and watching episodes again. Some have been re-viewing episodes looking for those mysterious hares that make Htchcock-style cameos. Some have just been talking excitedly about them because they are the most unique, distinctive programmes to have been made in recent memory.

Statistics don't necessarily mean that much but I've gone through Beyond The Joke's stats to see how the recent series has done and three episodes from it are in the top-ten most clicked articles. Now that could of course be because BTJ is more popular than ever so generally gets more clicks. It could also be that more and more people are interested in talking/reading about the series. Or it could be that these are some of the best episodes made. And obviously early episodes such as Tom & Gerri or The Harrowing might figure highly because they have had longer to notch up clicks. I think it's up to you the reader to make up your mind what it all means.

One small note. 31 episodes have been broadcast on BBC Two. Below is actually a top 29. For some reason I can't now recall I didn't write about Seance Time (series 2, episode 6). And I also didn't write about the live Halloween special Dead Line in 2018 - partly because it was not available to view in advance for obvious reasons. But also it was impossible to write about afterwards without giving away spoilers and I didn't want to ruin the experience for fans watching on catch-up. I suspect if it had been reviewed it would have featured pretty highly here.

Anyway, take a look below, read, enjoy and let me know if you disagree. And I look forward to updating this when series six and seven air - the good news is they've already been commissioned.

All series are currently available on iPlayer or you can buy them to own forever here.


1. Thinking Out Loud


2. Riddle of the Sphinx 


3 Twelve Days Of Christine 


4. Tom & Gerri 


5. Love’s Great Adventure 


6. The Harrowing 


7. To Have And To Hold 


8. Private View


9. A Quiet Night In 


10. The Stakeout 


11. And The Winner Is 


12. Empty Orchestra 


13. Once Removed 


14. Misdirection 


15. Bernie Clifton’s Dressing Room 


16. Cold Comfort 


17. Sardines 


18. The Last Gasp 


19. Death Be Not Proud  


20. Zanzibar 


21.The Bill  


22. Diddle Diddle Dumpling 


23. The Devil of Christmas  


24. The Understudy 


25. Tempting Fate 


26. The Trial of Elizabeth Gadge 


27. Nana’s Party 


28. The Referees A W***er  


29. La Couchette

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