Award-winning production company Baby Cow is working on a sitcom based on Alan Carr's early years. They just need to find someone to play the young comedian.
They tweeted: "We’re delighted to announce that we are developing a BRAND NEW sitcom with #AlanCarr! We’re looking to cast a young Alan...if you think you know the perfect candidate, please visit: https://cwcasting.co.uk/alan."
The casting company has posted requirements and the following monologue, which potential young Alans need to record and send to them. It maybe gives a flavour of the subject matter of the comedy. Carr grew up in Northampton where his father, Graham Carr, played for and later managed Northampton Town FC.
"I swear there was a mix up at the hospital. I do! Somewhere in Northampton, there’s a hairdresser looking out his patio windows wondering why his son is more interested in playing keep it uppy, than learning how to give a cut and colour. It’s what you could call a genetic own goal, no pun intended, my Dad’s the local football manager you see. I mean I’m hardly footballer material, have you seen me? Classic pear with a sweet tooth, most boys go up a collar size over the summer holidays but I go up a cup size an all.
What can I say? I'm a sucker for a flump, it's one of the few pleasures in my life. Well, that and bobbing down WH Smith to get my hands on a brand new Agatha Christie. Betty in Smiths says ‘ you like a mystery don’t you?’ I thought ‘How you’ve maintained this job with such bad body odour is the biggest mystery but I bit my tongue and just said "Give me a quarter of cola cubes my love, and then I’ll get out of your hair’."
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