Immigration lawyer turned comic Sikisa combines social activism with the wish to have a good time in her show Sikisa: Life of the Party.
From South London, with family from Barbados, Sikisa, who goes by one name only, is vivacious, fiercely intelligent and keen on social justice. An ex dancer, a sewing enthusiast and a wrestling fan, she’s a multi faceted ball of energy who’s determined to have fun.
Because her parents didn’t want her to let loose when she was young she has decided to turn her Edinburgh Fringe show into a party, where everyone is invited. But her social conscience won’t allow her to forget that the world is far from perfect.
This is her Fringe debut, but Sikisa already has a ton of writing credits and TV appearances under her belt. She has been part of the Soho Theatre Young Company and has performed and hosted at many London comedy clubs. Sikisa may be new to Edinburgh but she’s already gone down a storm at the Leicester Comedy Festival, where she picked up nominations for Best Show, Best Appearance and Best Newcomer.
Sikisa: Life of the Party, Pleasance Courtyard, August 4 - 28, 20.25. Tickets here.
What is the last thing you do before you go onstage (apart from check your flies and/or check your knickers aren't sticking out of your skirt and check for spinach between your teeth)
You know what, I don’t check my knickers and I should more often. But depending on the show will depend on my nerves. If it’s a show I’ve never done or show that I REALLY want to do well at, then I overstress and normally just whack in my headphones and turn on some music just to noise out the imposter syndrome. But normally I like to pump myself up (I don’t know why that suddenly makes me sound like a blow up doll) and I love to get the energy going by dancing around the place. So, basically what I am saying is normally backstage the last thing I’m doing before I am on stage is twerking.
What irritates you?
Loads of things irritate me. I mean we could be here all day. I think the main two things that annoy me is the fact that because of my awesome genes I have to buy clothes a size bigger than I actually am, and the other thing that annoys me is the fact that despite living my best life I have to make some serious decisions about my future because of my female biological clock. There are some days I wish I had a penis. Only some…
What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
Quad biking in Morocco. It may seem like a great experience, and it was … until my bike hit a massive rock and it tipped over on me. I still have the scar on my leg as a memory. This and also telling my mum when I was five that she was a horrible mum… I’m lucky to still be alive.
What is the most stupid thing you have ever done?
I have a bad habit of being naïve with people. I always try to see the good in people because I am quite a trustworthy person – not gullible though. But I did spend quite a lot of money on concert tickets for an ex’s favourite band to then discover two days after I bought them he cheated on me. I let him keep the tickets ‘cause the band was crap and I didn’t want to see them anyways. That and also still when I told my mum when I was five she was horrible.
What has surprised you the most during your career in comedy?
My strength to carry on. There have been times when I wanted it to give up comedy but I ate some chicken wings and went “No. I got this”. I really enjoy what I do and making people laugh. I have had some lows but the highs have definitely been amazing.
Interview continues here.