Edinburgh Sketch Group Takes the Biscuit And Partners With Food Project

Edinburgh Sketch Group Takes the Biscuit And Partners With Food Project
Ahead of their Edinburgh Fringe show 'Not Another 69-Sketch Show' starting its run at Gilded Balloon next month, sketch group Biscuit Barrel have announced that they will be partnering with Edinburgh Food Project throughout the festival.
Audiences can contribute to the Edinburgh Food Project thanks to post-performance bucket collections and make a real difference to those struggling to afford the essentials.
The organisation supports seven foodbanks across the city. In 2023, Edinburgh Food Project gave out over 20,000 emergency food packages. As of July, they have alarmingly already given out over 11,000 in 2024.
The charity also provide a money advice service, currently supporting over 600 people, with the ultimate aim of eradicating food poverty from the city.
The aim is to capitalise on the group's tendency to parade around the Fringe wearing giant biscuits, to raise awareness of the charity. This will also be the first Biscuit Barrel show to actually have any sketches about biscuits which, on their fifth run of the festival, seemed like a score that needed settling.
This also continues a friendly rivalry with 'The Jaffa Cake Musical', who also announced that they will appropriately be fundraising for the charity last week. This only furthers momentum for fundraising at the Fringe, all in the name of an extraordinary cause that is still vital to many residents in the city.
Buy tickets for Biscuit Barrel: Not Another 69-Sketch Show here.
Picture ©BiscuitBarrelComedy. Picture by Sisi Burn


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