Comic’s Comic - Best Act – Nina Gilligan
“I was thinking about retirement and then I got the news about this. It has got to be the most meaningful of all awards to comedians. This will cheer me up everytime I think about it. It's a huge compliment being recognised by the people you admire. I definitely don't feel worthy but I do feel really, really good about it!! - Please don't take it off me. Thank you to all the funny, talented and very hard working people I have the privilege of gigging with.”
Comic’s Comic - Best MC
Hayley Ellis
“What a lovely start to the year. Thanks so much to everyone who voted it really means a lot”’
Comic’s Comic - Best Independent Promoter
Spiky Mike (Funhouse Comedy)
“Huge thanks to everybody who voted for us and to all the wonderful comedians who have played our clubs over the past 22 years. Times are tough and people need to be cheered up, so it's a great pleasure to be part of an industry that makes people laugh and brings great joy. It's also been inspiring to see acts such as Josh Pugh and Scott Bennett doing their first ever gigs at our gong shows, progressing to becoming stars.”
Outstanding Contribution To UK Comedy
Janey Godley
The awards were started in 2013 by John Moloney as an alternative to various other prizes that he felt did not recognise professional comedians who work the circuit year in, year out. They are voted for by comedians (somebody that makes their living or most of it from comedy).
Here’s the list of previous winners:
Best Act: 2013 Mick Ferry...2014 Gavin Webster...2015 Zoe Lyons...2016 Jeff Innocent...2017 Ian Stone...2018 Andy Askins…2019 The Raymond & Mr Timpkins Revue…2020 Scott Bennett…2021 (3 way tie) Jo Caulfield, Ninia Benjamin, Mark Nelson… 2022 Mark Simmons… 2023 Andrew Bird
Best MC: 2014 Roger Monkhouse...2015 Dan Nightingale…2016 Danny McLoughlin...2017 Laura Lexx...2018 Mandy Knight…2019 Sally Ann Hayward…2020 Lou Conran…2021 Paul Smith…2022 Cerys Nelmes… 2023 Barry Dodds
Independent Promoter: 2016 Rob Riley : Comedy In A Van...2017 Blair Brothers : Hot Water...2018 Rob Riley : Comedy In A Van…2019 Jim Howarth : Comedy Hotspot…2020 Brett Vincent : Get Comedy…2021 (2 way tie) Andy White : Jesterlarf Comedy and Peter Vincent : Independent Booker… 2022 Stephen Grant : The Forge… 2023 James Alderson
Outstanding Contribution To UK Comedy: 2015 John Moloney...2016 Noel Faulkner...2017 Steve Gribbin...2018 Otiz Cannelloni…2019 Jeremy Hardy & Ian Cognito (posthumous)…2020 Comedy Support Act Benevolent Fund…2021 Sean Lock (posthumous)… 2022 Peter Grahame…. 2023 Gareth Richards, Tony Allen & Andy Smart (Posthumous)