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TV Preview: Inside No. 9 – Death Be Not Proud, BBC2

News: New Inside No. 9 Image And Podcast Launched

Update after episode aired: Well, I was right in predicting that they would pull the rug from under us, I was just a bit wrong in how they did it...

I know that Inside No. 9 creators/stars Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton fret about pre-broadcast spoilers so in a way it is not a surprise that the BBC Preview website only allows journalists access to a five-minute snatch of the second episode of the current series, entitled Death Be Not Proud. A message on the site says: "There is only 5 minutes of this episode available for preview. This is not a technical issue with the site."

But after watching the gripping, atmospheric taster I did start to think. Shearsmith and Pemberton have been so deliciously creative in the past - linking a Guardian crossword to the episode The Riddle of the Sphinx and, most famously, making it look as if the broadcast had failed during the live episode Dead Line – that I began to wonder whether this was a media-based meta-horror ruse.

And why exactly is Episode Two not available when Episode Three is already on the preview website in full? In fact, the plot thickens - when I clicked on Episode Three the opening credit also says "Death Be Not Proud" - the title of Episode Two. I'm assuming this is just a BBC press office glitch though - either way I can't say any more now because that page says "PLEASE NOTE: EMBARGO 11th Feb". Maybe it is all part of the same Inside No. 9 witchcraft. Or maybe I'm just overthinking things and they just want to ensure viewers are kept in suspense.

Anyway, all of this is a preamble to say Death Be Not Proud looks fantastic in a classic, domestic chiller sort of way. Jenna Colman and Kadiff Kirwan play young couple Beattie and Sam, who have managed to snap up a flat at a bargain basement price. But why was the previous owner so keen to take their low offer and get rid of the property? When things start to go bump in the night there may be some clues. What is the dark, sinister past inside this number 9? (a clue might be on the poster above where it says "the past is never dead")

It's easy to speculate, but don't bother second guessing, just watch. I suspect that whatever you think of won't be as imaginative as whatever Shearsmith and Pemberton have come up with. One word of warning. If you don't see this live it is probably not a good idea to watch it on catch-up late at night just before you go to bed. Particularly if you've recently moved house.

Inside No. 9 – Death Be Not Proud, Monday, February 10, BBC2.

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