
Andy Zaltzman Shortlisted For SJA British Sports Journalism Award

Comedian Andy Zaltzman has been nominated for an an award in the Data Journalist category in the SJA British Sports Journalism Awards.

As well as being a top comedian, satirist, former Taskmaster contestant and chair of The News Quiz, Zaltzman is also a Professional Cricket Statistician.  Since 2016, he has been a key member of the Test Match Special team, adding his distinctive blend of knowledge, expertise, humour and numerical inquisitiveness to the BBC's legendary cricket broadcast. 


Tour For Andy Hamilton

Following the recent success of the stage adaptation of the classic TV show Drop The Dead Donkey, award-winning writer and comedian Andy Hamilton is keen to get back on stage himself.

This Autumn he’s already committed to co-writing the much-anticipated Outnumbered Christmas Special for the BBC, which will see the return of the Brockmans - so that we can all find out what’s happened since we last saw them.


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