Andy Parsons

Andy Parsons Adds New Autumn Tour Dates

Following a sellout tour so far, Andy Parsons will continue taking his show Bafflingly Optimistic to theatres up and down the UK this Autumn.  

We've been visited by the Four Horsemen in the form of Disease, Death, War and overpriced Ketchup, so what hope can there be? Andy is Bafflingly Optimistic.  


Andy Parsons Heads Out On Bafflingly Optimistic Tour

Following a run at the Edinburgh Fringe, Andy Parsons is back on the road with his brand new stand up show this Autumn.

We've been visited by the Four Horsemen in the form of Disease, Death, War and overpriced Ketchup, so what hope can there be? Andy is Bafflingly Optimistic.  


News: Big Tour For Andy Parsons

‘It was 24th June 2016 and I found myself contemplating a supermarket meal deal. I only wanted a sandwich and I only needed a sandwich but given that I could get a snack and a drink for only 5p more it seemed financially irresponsible not to. I had spent so long pondering the EU Referendum result from the day before that I was now in a massive rush. The lad on the till scanned the first two items no problem but the third item, he couldn’t get to scan at all.


News: Big Tour For Andy Parsons

Andy Parsons is going out on tour in 2017. His Peak Bullsh*t tour starts on February 15 in Chipping Norton and finishes on May 31 in Bangor.

Parsons explains: "Worried about your job? Worried about your family? Worried about yourself? Worried about the health service? Education? Climate change? World War 3? Worried about worrying all the time? Sod it! Come and have a laugh about it." 


News: Andy Parsons Leaves Mock The Week

Andy Parsons is leaving Mock The Week after 10 years to focus on new projects, including his live show and podcast ‘Slacktivist Action Group’.


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