Balham Comedy Festival

Interview: Rarely Asked Questions – Phil Nichol

Phil Nichol has won the Edinburgh Comedy Award, pranced around naked onstage and sat on my friend Brandon's lap, but that's another story. Here's an interview Phil Nichol did with BTJ when he was first working on his latest show Your Wrong. He described it like this: "Trump. Your wrong. Brexit. Your wrong. Facebook. Your wrong. Tinder. Your wrong. Religion. Your wrong. Fashion. Your wrong. Grammar. Your wrong! We are being watched.

News: Balham Comedy Festival Comedy Contest Results

Ben Clover has been chosen as winner at the inaugural Comedy Contest at the Balham Comedy Festival.

The Londoner, who is also a journalist who writes about the health sector, was chosen as the winner out of eight comics at the show compered by John Moloney.

Clover wins a future half-length paid spot at the Banana Cabaret club at the Bedford pub where the Balham Comedy Festival is currently taking place.

The Festival runs until July 16. 

News: Line Up Announced For Balham Comedy Festival Comedy Contest

The finalists have been announced for 2016's Balham Comedy Festival Comedy Contest.

The final, hosted by John Moloney, takes place at the Bedford pub in Balham on Tuesday, July 12, 8pm. Tickets £5 here

The line-up, with each act doing a six minute set, is as follows:



Jason Patterson

Lea Rose Emery

Ben Clover

Adam Greene

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