
Dabbers Bingo Launches This Year's Comedy Caller Contest

The search is on for 2025’s ultimate bingo comedy host— Dabbers Social Bingo’s legendary competition returns to discover performers who can mix quick wit, dazzling stage presence and top-tier bingo calling skills into an unforgettable show. 


Dabbers Reveals Next Top Bingo Caller Finalists

Dabber’s Social Bingo, London’s best-loved alternative Bingo Hall has been on the hunt for its 2022 ‘Next Top Bingo Caller’.   After a perilous journey through a bingo-based-battle, four fearless contestants won the heart of their audiences, and jury alike. 

Now the contestants have been whittled down from 16 to a final four. But who will prevail in the final battle to become THE bingo caller of the year on July 3? 


Final 16 Announced For Dabbers Bingo's Hunt For ‘Next Top Bingo Caller’.

Dabber’s Social Bingo, London’s best-loved alternative Bingo Hall is on the hunt for its 2022 ‘Next Top Bingo Caller’.  After a perilous journey, sixteen fearless contestants have been hand-selected to take part in the bingo-based-battle.

With Dabbers, gone are the days of dusty old hosts mumbling "two fat ladies - 88" into the microphone, now callers get a chance to truly work the room and are encouraged to bring their talents, to the stage.


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