Charlotte Ritchie

Interview: Charlotte Ritchie on Taskmaster

Taskmaster returns to C4 on Thursday, March 18 at 9pm. Here's an interview with Charlotte Ritchie to get you in the mood...


Were you a fan of the show before you signed up?

Yeah, it’s great. I couldn’t believe I got asked to do it, I was so chuffed. Especially as I’m not a stand-up, I don’t write anything, so they’re taking a risk and I think they’ll see that they’ve taken a risk now that they’ve seen me in the studio!


News: Fresh Meat Star To Appear In Alternative Panto

Charlotte Ritchie, who played Oregon in Fresh Meat, is to star in a song and dance political pantomime written by Daran Johnson and Liam Williams of sketch group Sheeps.

Ricky Whittington and his Cat will run at the Diorama in north London from December 12 to January 7. 

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