David Elms
Silent comedy film Swag, written by and starring Musical Comedy Award Winner 2014 David Elms, directed by Matt Holt and produced by Sara Shulman has won ‘Best Foreign Short’ at the LA Indie Film Festival.
The soundtrack for the film, written by emerging composer Gabriel Chernick, has won a Silver Medal at the Global Music Awards for Outstanding Achievement.
2014 Musical Comedy Awards winner David Elms has made a short film entitled Swag about a man whose life is changed when he buys a new hat. There will be a screening of the film at the Pleasance in London on September 29 followed by a fundraising comedy gig.
The 12-minute silent film has just been completed and after this screening the plan is to submit it to festivals all over the world. The aim of this event is to help to pay for production costs and festival submissions.
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