
TV Review: Ken Dodd - A Legacy of Happiness, BBC Two

I was lucky enough to see Ken Dodd a few years before he died. He played the Regent's Park Open Air Theatre in 2012, came on around 7pm and sure enough finished around midnight. He was well into his eighties by then but on fine form, even if he was doing gags he'd probably been doing for years: "Smokeless fuel factory burnt down - no one noticed". At one point someone brought on a flask and sandwiches and Dodd asked the audience if they had brought theirs.


Ken Dodd Exhibition Extended Until 7 July

‘Happiness!’, the first major exhibition on a comedian in a national museum, celebrates one of the UK’s best-loved and most influential comedians, Sir Ken Dodd. 

Much like the man himself who was renowned for the length of his performances, the exhibition will now be giving visitors to the Museum of Liverpool an extra four months of laughter, closing to the public on 7 July 2024.


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