
More Tour Dates For George Lewis

George Lewis today announces an extension of his hugely successful tour, The Best Thing You’ll Ever Do. Heading to even more venues across the UK this Autumn, tickets will be available via a limited pre-sale on Wednesday 26th  February with general on sale taking place on Friday 28 February  from


Rarely Asked Questions: George Lewis

Stockport-born writer and comedian George Lewis, who has repeatedly gone viral on social media for his hysterical parenting skits and instantly relatable sketches (racking up over 350 million views), is hosting a free comedy show about ‘AI’, asking "Is My Fridge Smarter Than Me?"


Cook Book Deal For Snack Hacker George Egg

Blink Publishing, a commercial non-fiction imprint of Bonnier Books UK, has acquired The Snack Hacker by the award-winning content creator, comedian and cook George Egg. 

Senior editor Joe Hallsworth acquired World all language rights from David Luxton of David Luxton Associates.  


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