Hospital People
It's not easy making a mainstream sitcom. There is more to it than just stringing together a lot of laugh-out-loud gags. If that was all it took then Hospital People would be the comedy sensation of the year.
After a week off to squeeze in the Masterchef Final Hospital People returns and it is as if it has never been away. No, really. The comedy is as broad as ever, the jokes are definitely as cheesy as ever.
There is a big guest star though this week. Russell Brand plays nutritionist Tyler Watt, who is brought in to radicalise Brimlington hospital’s menus after head porter Big John dies. Manager Susan Mitchell doesn’t seem to mind patients dying all the time, but when a member of staff pops their clogs this is different.
Every autumn I judge a competition for UK Gold to find new jokes for Christmas crackers. Tom Binns should enter - the humour in his multi-character-based vehicle Hospital People is just the right mix of corn and cheese for my yuletide challenge.
If you want simple sitcom laughs you can't go far wrong with Hospital People. This new comedy starring Tom Binns in a variety of wigs and outfits doesn’t miss a trick, whether it is daft visual gags, clever verbal gags or just plain stupid innuendo. It’s not groundbreaking and it is about as far as you can get from, to pluck a comedy at random, Inside No 9, but if you’ve had a hard day flopping down in front of this could be just what the senior registrar ordered.
Fans of live comedy may have seen Tom Binns doing rubbish DJ Ivan Brackenbury and dodgy psychic Ian D Montfort on the circuit and in Edinburgh in recent years. Now finally, after a BBC one-off last year Binns gets his own series, a mockumentary set in the fictional Brimlington Hospital, in which he plays Brackenbury, Montfort and many more eccentric creations.
Hospital People follows the lives of Brimlington Hospital’s inept DJ Ivan Bracke
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