
Edinburgh Run And New Tour For Jason Byrne

Madcap comedian Jason Byrne is revved up and ready to turn stand-up on its head AGAIN, as he prepares to return to the Edinburgh Festival this year from 1 – 25 August with his brand-new show ‘HEAD IN THE CLOUDS’. Followed by a major UK tour from 25 September – 30 November.  Tickets are on sale from 28 February from JasonByrne.ie.  


Interview: Head Start – Jason Manford On Joining Waterloo Road As Steve Savage

Hit school drama Waterloo Road will return to screens on Tuesday 10 September, with all episodes of the new series on BBC iPlayer from 6am, and episode one airing on BBC One at 9pm.


Jason Manford To Host Have I Got News For You

Jason Manford is to guest host Have I Got News For You for the first time  - this coming Friday 17th May.
Having appeared on the show once previously as a panellist in 2016, this is the comdian/presenter/actor's debut in the guest host's chair. 
On hosting for the first time, Manford said "Really chuffed to be hosting this legendary show that I used to watch as a teenager with my dad. Let’s hope it’s yet another fun week in the news!


Jason Manford Adds Lots More Dates To Tour

Due to demand for tickets, Jason Manford is adding a further 52 shows to his hugely anticipated new live show for 2024/5 - A Manford All Seasons - bringing the total number of tour dates to 70. Kicking off on 11 September 2024 at The Lowry in Salford and culminating on 15 February 2025 at the Orchard Theatre in Dartford, tickets for the new dates go on sale on Wednesday 24 April at 10am from JasonManford.com.


Jason Byrne Announces Edinburgh Fringe Run And Tour Dates

Comedy genius Jason Byrne is revved up and ready to turn stand-up on its head AGAIN, as he prepares to return to the Edinburgh Festival this year from 1 – 25 August with his brand-new showNO SHOW’.  Followed by a major UK tour from 3 October – 30 November.  Tickets are on sale on Thursday 22 February from JasonByrne.ie.


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