
New Documentary Explores Rik Mayall Panglobal Phenomenon

Marking 10 years since the death of comedy icon Rik Mayall, the writer Max Kinnings looks back at Mayall’s life and career through the recordings they made together during the writing of The Rik’s violently untrue memoir, Bigger Than Hitler, Better Than Christ.

In 2004 comedy legend Rik Mayall was commissioned by Harper Collins publisher, Trevor Dolby, to write his autobiography.


Rik Mayall Comedy Festival Planned

A plan has been hatched to stage a comedy festival in the home town of Rik Mayall.

Mayall grew up in Droitwich Spa and made some of his earliest stage appearances at the Norbury Theatre. One appearance was in a production of Beckett's Waiting For Godot, directed by his father John.

The influential comedian died ten years ago at the age of 56 and the hope is that the festival will launch in 2025. 

The idea comes from local councillor Richard Morris.


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