Riot Girls

TV Review: Riot Girls, C4

I think it would be fair to say I'm not in Riot Girls' target demographic. Then again i'm younger than former Labour spin doctor Alistair Campbell and he tweeted that this new hidden camera sketch show was the funniest thing since Jeremy Corbyn in a Russian hat. Or something like that anyway. But then again, he was frank enough to point out that his daughter Grace was one of the four budding pranksters alongside Sophie Duker, Jen Wakefield and Cam Spence.


News: New All-Female Hidden Camera Show Riot Girls From C4

Channel 4 has commissioned Riot Girls, a one-off hidden camera prank show fronted by four "funny and forthright feminists".

In a series of pranks, stunts and sketches Grace Campbell, Sophie Duker, Jen Wakefield and Cam Spence will draw attention to just a few issues close to their hearts in a "refreshingly bold and brazen way."


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