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Sketch Off

News: Sketch Off Final 2020 Results

This year's Sketch Off Final has taken place at the Leicester Square Theatre.

Ten acts competed in the final, which was compered by Anna Mann, alias character comedian/actor Colin Hoult.

The winner, chosen by the judges, is Kathy Maniura.

Second place went to sketch duo The Awkward Silence.

Third place went to Roger Clammy

The other finalists were: 

David McIver
Joe Jacobs
Mark & Haydn
Northern Power Blouse
Peter Fleming


Live Review: Sketch Off Final 2019, Leicester Square Theatre, WC2

The Leicester Square Theatre’s annual Sketch Off Competition might not have the prestige of the Edinburgh Comedy Awards or the history of London’s New Act of the Year, but it certainly has plenty of talent. This year’s final boasted ten acts. Some very similar, some very different. All - well, maybe nearly all – look like they have bright futures ahead of them in the world of sketch comedy, or as skilfully smutty spoof thespian host Anna Mann called the genre, “willy ticklers”. 


News: Sketch Off Final 2019 Results

The annual Sketch Off Final has taken place at the Leicester Square Theatre.

The winner of the competition to showcase the UK's best up & coming sketch artists and character acts is Yes Mama. Second place went to  Stepdads and third place went to Birds.

Full review to follow.

Click here to see a list of all the finalists.


News: Leicester Square Theatre Sketch Off Finalists Announced

The finalists have been announced for the Leicester Square Theatre Sketch Off Final 2019.

The final will take place on Sunday, February 24 and will see ten acts competing for the title.

Anna Mann will host and there will also be a headline set from last year's winner Lois Mills. After hotly contested heats the line-up is as follows:

Dave Bibby
James Hartford
Katie Pritchard
Mark & Haydn
Nicholas Everritt
The Mayor & His Daughter
Yes Mama!


News: 2018 Sketch Off Final – Results

The annual Sketch Off Final has taken place at the Leicester Square Theatre.

The winner of the competition to showcase the UK's best up & coming sketch artists and character acts is Lois Mills. Second place went to Agenda Benders and third place went to Bread & Geller.

Full review to follow.

The finalists were:


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