Smack The Pony

News: New Smack The Pony In Some Form If Not A Sketch Show?

Following comments from Smack The Pony trio Fiona Allen, Sally Phillips and Doon Mackichan, Fiona Allen, has expanded on possible plans for the trio to return.

In January Allen said they were working together again and Sally Phillips joked: “I think the time has perhaps come for an entirely period-based sketch show: The Big Red One. We used to joke about that. No, I’m still joking.”


News: Smack The Pony To Return?

Pioneering sketch comedy Smack The Pony may be returning. In an interview in the Guardian Fiona Allen, who was one of the groundbreaking trio with Sally Phillips and Doon Mackichan said that they are “currently working on reunion projects”. Sally Phillips joked: “I think the time has perhaps come for an entirely period-based sketch show: The Big Red One. We used to joke about that. No, I’m still joking.”


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