
Extra Garry Starr Shows Added Due To Demand

Award-winning performer Garry Starr has added more London dates for his acclaimed latest show Classic Penguins due to demand.

The new shows will be at the Underbelly Boulevard on 18, 25, 26 October and 1 & 2 November. Ticket link below.

Starr recently completed a sell-out run at the Edinburgh Fringe and was awarded the Malcolm Hardee Award for 'Act That Should Make A Million Quid. This category has previously been won by acts including Bo Burnham, Trevor Noah and last year's winner, superclown Julia Masli.


Brighton Fringe: Garry Starr: Classic Penguins, The Bunker @ Fool’s Paradise

There’s a figure on stage, sitting on a black draped swivel chair with his back to us, signature neck ruff, tails coat and top hat clearly in place, surrounded by a large cloud of vape smoke. Stage right there is a stack of books, clearly identifiable as the Penguin Classics press, with bold orange shapes flagging the title and author above and below. There is also a television screen, table, and small camera focused on the flat of the table, displaying what it sees onto the screen.


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