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TV: The Witchfinder, BBC Two

I've been looking forward to The Witchfinder ever since it was announced. As comedies go you can't get a better pedigree. It is written by Neil and Rob Gibbons, the brothers who write Alan Partridge, and stars Tim Key – Sidekick Simon from Partridge and a million other shows – and Daisy May Cooper from This Country. And I doff my cap to everyone, it's ruddy brilliant. 


Interview: Tim Key On New BBC Comedy The Witchfinder

Q. Name and who you play in The Witchfinder


My name is Tim Key and I play Gideon Bannister in The Witchfinder, and he is the witchfinder, he’s a witchfinder, he’s not a great witchfinder.


Q. So you find a witch quite early on? 



First Image And Casting Revealed For BBC Comedy The Witchfinder

The Witchfinder is an original new comedy for BBC Two following a witchfinder and his suspect on a road-free road trip through an England gripped by civil war, famine and plague.


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