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Woody Allen

Film Review: Obvious Child

Obvious Child pretty much has hip US indie hit running through it like the word Blackpool running through a stick of sugary seaside rock. Real-life comedian Jenny Slate plays Donna Stern, a struggling comedian who seems to spend most of her stage time in too-cool-for-school Williamsburg clubs talking a little too honestly about her dirty knickers and her personal problems. Perhaps it is no surprise that her boyfriend ditches her in the first reel.

Film Review: Blue Jasmine

It's true. Miracles do happen. At an age when he should be putting his well-shod feet up Woody Allen has made his best film in years. I didn't think it was possible but Blue Jasmine, which has been receiving rave reviews in America and has already created an Oscar buzz for its star Cate Blanchett, really is a return to form. Of sorts, that is. 


Film Review: About Time

Good title. Maybe it's what a lot of Richard Curtis' critics thought when they read about him saying that this was likely to be his last film as a director. Right, that's the gag that's been nagging in my head since I came out of the cinema, now down to the proper review.

Opinion: Should Woody Allen make a stand-up comeback?

I've written before about comedians making comebacks after a period away from the stage. David Baddiel, for instance, is back in Edinburgh in a few weeks for the first time in 15 or 16 years depending on what website you read. Either way it is a long time but not as long as the hiatus since Woody Allen last did stand-up, which must surely be in terms of decades rather than years.

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