
Either Ari Eldjarn has got something very special or he bussed every Icelandic person living in London into the Soho Theatre last night. The first night of this short run was met with the kind of... more
There must be a word for it. The sub-genre of stage comedies that are send-ups of big hits. There was Potted Potter, and now there is this, which takes its inspiration from another smash. It feels to... more
At a time when I regularly hear about comedy clubs struggling to survive it was good this week to hear about two new clubs opening. There’s a big new swanky joint in Glasgow and down south in... more
It’s one of those quirks of scheduling that the new series of flatshare comedy Josh has dropped on the same day that the new series of Curb Your Enthusiasm started on Sky Atlantic. There’s... more
If you thought Larry David’s sitcom version of Larry David might have mellowed in the years away from the screen think again. In the first episode of a new series of his brilliant cringecom David... more
This second series of Upstart Crow has felt a little under the radar. I'm not sure whether that is to do with the blink-and-you'll-miss-it 8.30pm scheduling or the fact that we are now not so... more
It's episode three of this colourful belated gap year travelogue and Jack Whitehall and his dad Michael are still in Thailand, still having a testy relationship and occasionally bondingThere are... more
This new Jack Whitehall travelogue in which he sets out on a belated gap year in the Far East with his irascible father Michael must be doing something right as I decided to watch the second episode... more
After Romesh Ranganathan and his mum and Russell Howard and his mum, here comes Jack Whitehall and his dad Michael on a trip to the Far East – the gap year he never had crammed into five weeks. Of... more
There is hope for stand-up hacks everywhere. In Jerry Before Seinfeld we get to see the earliest 1970s routines of superstar Jerry Seinfeld. And guess what. He is tackling the same... more
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