After a run at the Edinburgh Fringe and supporting Jack Dee on tour, Alex Kealy (The Now Show, Gig Pigs with Ivo Graham) brings The Fear on a tour between February and July 2025.
Last year, 2024, was the best year of Alex’s life. He got married and is, bluntly, happy. But if you’re an anxious overthinker and it’s going well, you just start thinking about when it’ll all end.
The Last Leg presenter Alex Brooker has been revealed as Bigfoot on the Masked Singer. As predicted by many. Channel 4's The Last Leg itself on Friday night speculated very strongly indeed that Brooker was hiding under the costume. It was even suggested that Bigfoot resembled Brooker. TV writer Elliot Gonzalez agreed on X: "OF COURSE it was Alex Brooker!
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