
Debut Tour And Stand Up Special For Chelsea Birkby

After a successful Edinburgh Fringe, Chelsea Birkby embarks on her debut tour with This is Life, Cheeky Cheeky - a smart, silly, surprising show about lust for life and also – ass.


Kensington and Chelsea Festival Announces 2023 Programme

The Kensington and Chelsea Festival in partnership with The Chelsea Theatre is delighted to announce the theatre’s summer 2023 Festival Season.


Amused Moose Comedy Awards – Winners Revealed

This year's winners are all debut shows making the Amused Moose Comedy Awards 2022 a talentscouts dream.

Nicholls & Brown's Grubby Little Mitts have won Amused Moose Comedy Awards Top Sketch Edinburgh Fringe show trophy for previously unknown comedy performers on the Fringe. Their show is in Assembly George Square studios, and is their Fringe debut.

Rosie and Sullivan's Moose trophy was presented by Dani Rae, Assembly's general manager.


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