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eddie pepitone

Live Review: Eddie Pepitone, Soho Theatre

It is hard to tell which came first. Eddie Pepitone’s despair at the world around him or his despair at his own position in the world. The two attitudes jostle equally with each other in the American comic’s welcome return to London.


Review: Eddie Pepitone, Soho Theatre

The last time I went to see Eddie Pepitone it was downstairs at the Tron pub during the Edinburgh Festival last summer and I had to fight my way past a minor kerfuffle outside. As I squeezed past the group I noticed Hugh Grant at the centre of it. The actor was on a flying visit to the Fringe and also wanted to see Pepitone that night. Unfortunately an issue with IDs among his entourage meant that he didn't make it in.

Preview: The Week Ahead May 6 - 12

It's a tale of two Eddies this week. The last time I saw Eddie Izzard in March he was doing a short set at the Altitude Festival in Austria before shooting off to perform his new Force Majeure show in Riga as part of a typically epic Euro-trek. The good news is that judging by his brief flying visit Izzard is back on form, mixing his trademark meandering charm with a pithy history lesson taking in Charles I, the Romans and Edward the Confessor among others.

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