Greenwich Comedy Festival
I wondered for a while if it was worth posting my review of Friday night's Greenwich Comedy Festival gig. Who wants to read me blathering on about a group of box-ticking lefty comics putting the boot into Brexit? But then I decided it was such a good gig it deserved a mention.
The Greenwich Comedy Festival always feels like the last laugh of summer to me. The weather is still balmy when you arrive – if you are lucky – but as the gigs are in a large marquee it marks the moment when my big coat is taken out of the wardrobe and dusted off. But enough about my sartorial choices, is the comedy any good?
The Greenwich Comedy Festival always marks the end of summer for me. Kids back at school, getting dark on the way to the gig. In the past it has been coats-on cold inside the cavernous tented venue, but this year a combination of full house, lively acts and maybe some extra heating seemed to deliver the perfect storm of a great night.
The line-up has been announced for the Magners Greenwich Comedy Festival at the National Maritime Museum from September 16 - 20.
Reginald D Hunter, Adam Buxton, Rich Hall, Ed Byrne, David O’Doherty, Tim Key, Bridget Christie, Paul Foot, Henning Wehn, Richard Herring, Sara Pascoe, Nick Helm, Luisa Omielan, Jerry Sadowitz are among the names confirmed.
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