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Ian Stone

News: John Cleese Recreates I Look Down On Him Class Sketch

John Cleese has recreated the classic sketch in which he plays an upper class gent who looks down on the middle and lower classes.

In the original sketch, first broadcast on The Frost Report in 1966 and written by Marty Feldman and John Law, Cleese appeared with Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett. In this new version he co-stars with comedian Ian Stone and actor John Alford.

News: Comedian Crowdfunds For Teenage Memoir

London comedian Ian Stone has started a crowdfunding campaign to raise the money to publish a memoir about his music-fixated childhood. To Be Someone is about growing up in North London and being obsessed with The Jam (for younger readers he means Paull Weller's band, not the fruit-based sandwich spread). Stone has to pay for the initial launch through publisher Unbound, which is where this appeal comes in.


News: New Topical Comedy From Channel 5

My5 TV, the free to air channel based on the Channel 5 on-demand service, has announced its first foray into original programming with Comedy Bigmouths from Polymath Media.

Interview: Rarely Asked Questions – Ian Stone

To say that Ian Stone is a stalwart stand-up is an understatement. He has been a professional comedian for over two decades, taking full-length shows to the Edinburgh Festival and pacifying even the toughest of crowds in comedy clubs with his sharp wit and keen observational humour. In recent years Stone has become known for his sports-related work. He has been a regular on Arsenal’s podcast The Tuesday Club and has written for the club magazine.


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