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Julian Dutton

News: Panic Over! Stolen Dad's Army Uniform Found

The replica Home Guard Dad's Army uniform that was stolen after Julian Dutton's show at Colchester Arts Centre on Sunday night has been found.

Dutton had been performing his tribute to the actor who played Sergeant Wilson, Do You Think That's Wise? – The Life And Times Of John Le Mesurier, at the venue and while he was packing his things up his props and costume along with laptop and wallet and phone were stolen.


News: Actor/Comedian Julian Dutton Has Entire Dad's Army Show Gear Stolen

Actor Julian Dutton has had his entire Dad's Army costume and equipment stolen following a show in Colchester on Sunday night.


Interview: Rarely Asked Questions – Julian Dutton

Well they do say comedy is nearly all about timing, so jolly good show to Julian Dutton who, as the title below suggests, is performing a show about Dad's Army star John Le Mesurier just as the classic sitcom celebrates its fiftieth birthday. Dutton is well suited to the part.


News: Comedian To Play John Le Mesurier In New Show

Impressionist and comedian Julian Dutton is to play comic legend John Le Mesurier in a new show.

Dutton will be previewing Do You Think That's Wise? around the country and then will take the show to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August.


News: Comedian To Stand For Political Post

Comedian, actor and author Julian Dutton has been selected as the Liberal Democrat candidate in the forthcoming council elections in Llandovery, Camarthenshire.

He told Beyond The Joke: "I thought I'd take a leaf out of Eddie Izzard's book and get involved - I feel it's time more than ever to make a stand about things and defend liberalism in the face of current threats."


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