
Big Tour For Sara Pascoe

Sara Pascoe has announced a major tour of the UK and Ireland entitled I Am A Strange Gloop.

Her first tour since 2022 will begin on Saturday 21st June 2025 in Ipswich at the New Wolsey Theatre. She will perform at the London Palladium on Sunday 1st March 2026. 


Sara Pascoe To Make BBC Radio 4 Appeal For Women & Children First

Sara Pascoe is making a BBC Radio 4 Appeal on behalf of the charity Women & Children First, a charity that works in some of the world’s most rural, remote communities to make pregnancy and childbirth safer. The appeal is being broadcast on Sunday 28th July at 7:54am, at 9:25pm and on Thursday 1st August at 3:27pm.


Brighton Festival: Sara Pascoe, Weirdo, Corn Exchange, Brighton Dome

It’s a low key entrance as the two British Sign Language interpreters lead the single file entry onto stage, followed by award-winning novelist Emma Jane Unsworth (set as interviewer), and finally Sara Pascoe bringing up the rear. Her name may be the biggest one on the ticket, ready to discuss her writing process, debut novel Weirdo, and her life, but there’s a low key demystification and undermining of hierarchical norms in casual exchanges and easy respect from the off.


Sara Pascoe Joins Women Of the World Line-Up

WOW - Women of the World, and Factory International have announced the full programme for WOW Manchester, which will take place at Aviva Studios from 24-26 May. ​

Over two days and three evenings the world’s biggest, most comprehensive festival celebrating women, girls and non-binary people comes to Manchester for the first time, bringing together inspiring speakers to celebrate the achievements of women, girls and non-binary people and find solutions to the pressing issues of gender inequality. 


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