
Why Are First Episodes Always The Best?
I've really been enjoying the new BBC sketch show Ellie and Natasia. It's inventive, witty and extremely silly. there are lots of bits I've enjoyed but one memorable sketch really stands out. It's... more
Big Fat Quiz Of Everything Returns
I’ve been wrestling with this Jimmy Carr holocaust joke ever since the story broke at the end of last week. I thought it might fizzle out but as it has gathered momentum, with the government even... more
The UK Live Comedy Sector Estimated To Be Worth Over £1billion To Economy
Earlier this week I was checking my diary to see what comedy gigs were coming up later this month. Before Christmas a lot of shows had been cancelled or postponed but January still looked pretty busy... more
The Myth of Woke Liberal Elite
One of the few blessings about lockdown – unremarked at the time – was that one no longer had to hear that maddening security announcement, broadcast with obsessive frequency by Transport for London... more
The Holden Girls, Tuesdays, 10pm, E4.
There might be more wince-making ideas for a comedy but none immediately spring to mind. In this new spoof documentary Amanda Holden's grandmother from Doncaster moves in with the talent show judge... more
An Evil Immortal Controlled My Life, by Charmian Hughes
When I was a kid, I saw a terrifying Hammer horror film about an immortal evil beautiful white queen of a lost African kingdom. In petrifying hissy fits, she throws screaming love rivals... more
The UK Live Comedy Sector Estimated To Be Worth Over £1billion To Economy
A recent study revealed that the accents that comedians have might play a part in their success with audiences at comedy gigs. 51 per cent of people polled thought that the London Cockney accent... more
The UK Live Comedy Sector Estimated To Be Worth Over £1billion To Economy
The famous Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu once said that a march of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I don't know if there were comedy clubs around when he was growing up in China, but he... more
As life starts slowly but surely to return to normal in 2021 I'm getting excited. There are clear hints of green shoots of recovery when it comes to comedy, with clubs and promoters talking... more
Edinburgh Festival Fringe – Latest Update
At the time of writing it has not been confirmed whether the Edinburgh Festival Fringe will take place this year. After a lot of people hoped that it would happen in 2020 but almost all of the shows... more
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