
Opinion: My Talking Head Coneback
If you tune into Five on Friday, January 1 from 9pm you will definitely see Michael McIntyre in their documentary, Michael McIntyre: In His Own Words. You might also see some of me if I've made the... more
2020 might be a year we want to forget, but there is one week that I will never forget. Maybe it was a premonition and like a squirrel storing up nuts I wanted to get some comedy in the bank, but the... more
The Myth of Woke Liberal Elite
Mrs Merton Meets Mrs MertonPaul Merton used to be married to Caroline Quentin, so her married name would be Mrs Merton.Caroline Aherne played a character called Mrs Merton.In real life Caroline... more
We've all got that friend you give advice to and they never put that advice into practice. You know the one I mean? They continually come to you with the same problem, you give (if you're me)... more
The Myth of Woke Liberal Elite
This is the piece I was hoping I wouldn’t have to write. Until recently I was clinging to the hope that there might be a sign of the UK lockdown being lifted imminently and life starting to return to... more
Opinion: I Watched Bottom Again And It's Not Sagging
An opinion piece about the sitcom Bottom recently appeared online in which the writer said they found it quite hard to watch in 2020. Long-time fan of the series, comedian Ash Preston, springs to its... more
Opinion: Does A Chat Show work Without An Audience?
The Graham Norton Show returned on Friday night, but this was the Coronavirus version. The guests were onscreen at home and there was no studio audience. No studio in fact. Norton conjured one up... more
The Myth of Woke Liberal Elite
Why are some things a hit and some things not a hit? It must the oldest question in the showbiz book. And, of course, the trouble is that nobody has the definitive answer. Or we'd all be having hits... more
Opinion: Tony De Meur Alias Ronnie Golden On Getting The Band Back Together Again
The cliché runs that most stand up comedians would kill to be rock stars and a lot of rock stars would fancy a go at comedy. There have been a few comics who have successfully straddled the humour/... more
Opinion: The News Is Beyond Satire, By Adam Bromley
Ex-BBC producer Adam Bromley has made a new comedy sketch show with comics Kris Dyer (of Nice Mum) and Julius Howe called Peer into the Past, which is available as a podcast. It is set in the... more
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